dewan perwakilan rakyat filipina bahasa Inggris
- dewan: board of; chamber; council; hall; legislative
- dewan perwakilan: house of representatives
- dewan perwakilan rakyat: house of people's representatives; house of
- perwakilan: deputation; legation; microcosm; representation;
- rakyat: citizen; common people; folk; people; populace;
- filipina: philippines; quezon city; philippine; filipino;
- dewan perwakilan filipina: house of representatives of the philippines
- ahli dewan perwakilan rakyat: congressman
- anggota dewan perwakilan rakyat a.s.: current members of the u.s. house of representatives
- dewan perwakilan rakyat: house of people's representatives; house of representative; the house of representative; people's representative council
- dewan perwakilan rakyat (jepang): house of representatives (japan)
- dewan perwakilan rakyat (usa): congress
- dewan perwakilan rakyat aceh: people's representative council of aceh
- dewan perwakilan rakyat brasil: chamber of deputies (brazil)
- dewan perwakilan rakyat italia: chamber of deputies (italy)
- In October 2016, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines Pantaleon Alvarez announced he will file a civil union bill in Congress.
Pada Oktober 2016, Juru Bicara Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Filipina Pantaleon Alvarez mengumumkan bahwa ia akan mencantumkan RUU persatuan sipil di Kongres. - In 1916, the Jones Law abolished the Philippine Commission and reorganized the Philippine Legislature as a fully elected, bicameral legislature composed of the Senate and House of Representatives, precursors to current Senate of the Philippines and House of Representatives of the Philippines.
Pada tahun 1916, Hukum Jones dihapuskan Komisi Filipina dan direorganisir Legislatif Filipina yang terpilih, badan legislatif bikameral yang terdiri dari Senat dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, bentuk awal Senat Filipina dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Filipina saat ini.
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